"Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock."

Seven knocks--or seven phone calls in my case--that's what it took to get what I needed.

"But I tell you this—though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence." (Luke 11:8 NLT)

Shameless persistence . . . That's me! Isn't it GOOD that a mistake from my printing press allowed me the opportunity to practice spiritual audacity?

After 2 weeks of unreturned phone calls and emails in which I kindly asked for a reprint of my book with the correct perforation, it was prayerfully time to move from patience to persistence.

So I boldly and confidently did something that probably appeared crazy and was most likely annoying . . . In a period of 24 hours, I left a total of 7 voicemail messages for the president of the company. All of them were polite and in a gentle tone, repetitively asking to discuss the reprint of my book.

This shameless persistence is what it finally took to open the door of communication  after being brushed off for an extended period of time. (Don't think that the symbolism of the number 7 is lost on me--completion!)

I am happy to say that my unrelenting determination finally moved the president of the printing press. This decision of action was not for "friendship's sake" or quality customer service, but rather to stop my steadfast "knocking."

OUTCOME--my book is being reprinted correctly:)

Hallelujah!!! Indeed, something much bigger than a reprint happened. Sometimes we are told to wait, and sometimes we need to make a move. In both cases, God can use difficult circumstances to give us the opportunity to practice spiritual fruit. These situations allow Him to mold our character. While we prayerfully knock, the Sculptor shapes us.

“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9 NLT) 

Sometimes it takes numerous knocks before the door is finally opened:)  Never stop praying!!! I promise, something much bigger than a "reprint" will take place for you too.

Have you ever experienced a situation in life where you feel God asked you to practice perseverance with shameless persistence?


"You Don't Always Get What You Pay For"

Two weeks ago I was excited to receive the first shipment of my new book, Purpose Through Perspective. It was less than 24 hours before I was scheduled to leave for "She Speaks" and I needed those copies to bring with me to the conference.

The good news--the books arrived on time!!!

The bad news--the printing press accidentally made a mistake in the perforation of the books:( So now I have 11 boxes of defective books and my company is delayed in being able to get the message of Purpose Through Perspective out there.

I ordered perforated books. I paid for perforated books. But sadly I did not receive perfectly perforated books. 

It has been 14 days since this mistake was reported to my printing press with a request for a reprint, and I am still waiting for a resolution to take place. It would be easy to get mad and seek my own justice solution to this problem . . . but I know a secret that I would like to share with you. Actually, it's not a secret--it's more of a revealed truth told to us in God's Word:

"Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you." (1 Peter 4:12 NLT) 

No, we don't always get what we pay for in this life. Who ever said life was fair? When we trick ourselves into thinking it is, we will be surprised and get angry when things don't go our way . . . as if something strange were happening to us.

Instead of becoming bitter, I CHOOSE to practice fruit of the Spirit and embrace the great joy!

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." (James 1:2-4 NLT)

I know that this printing mistake and delay in the correction of my book is GOOD. Because if I patiently allow God to work through this trial, something bigger than a reprint will happen. It is through our troubles that we grow and show others what our mighty God is capable of!

Think outside of the "box of fairness." Need help visualizing? Look at the 11 unfair boxes sitting in my dining room:)

Can you think of a situation in your life that is unfair--Are you bitter or better because of it? How can you allow God to use this situation to strengthen your faith?

" 'She Speaks' 828"

Proverbs 31 Ministries definitely knows what they are doing with gathering 800 women in one place--all called to write or speak for the Lord! What a unique experience to worship, learn, and laugh together with this many sisters. 

Community--not competition.

I had to chuckle when I checked in to the hotel last week. As the gentleman at the reception desk handed me my room key, I looked down and saw on the card envelope--room 828. A smile quickly spread across my face as the following verse sprang from my heart:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28 NIV)

This is exactly what my mind needed to settle on before I started this conference. To know that I was following God's lead, and that He would work everything together for His purpose. This is the very reason I was in attendance at "She Speaks" this past weekend: to listen, discover, and answer my call to ministry. 

I love the many ways in which God speaks! This hotel doorway spoke volumes to my heart of the spiritual door that God is leading me through.

What does your Romans 8:28 doorway and calling look like? 

"First Blog EVER . . . Agghhh!!!"

I can't believe that this is actually happening. I always said I would NEVER blog. Never say never--because God just may ask you to do something one day that was not on "your list" of things to do!

I am two days away from attending the Proverbs 31 "She Speaks" Conference, and I am patiently waiting for the delivery truck to arrive with 3oo copies of my new book (Purpose Through Perspective) straight off the printing press. Right now the tracking schedule says they are in transit traveling through the mid-west.

What are the odds that after working on this book for 2 1/2 years, it would all come down to receiving my copies from the printing press just hours before I leave to attend my first national Christian writing and speaking conference? Answer: 100% chance since God has been in control of every detail of this process. His timing is too amazing!!!

Have you ever said "NEVER!" to something in life, only to later find out that God was asking you to travel on that exact unwanted path?